Thursday, October 30, 2014

Halloween Word Clouds

Everyone will create a Word Cloud using Halloween-themed words.  Let's brainstorm some good words before you begin.

Then, finish these:
1. Animal drawing with habitat in Pixie 
2. Acrostic poem of the word S-U-N

Monday, October 27, 2014

Spelling Practice

Today, everyone will login to Spelling City with their own user name and password. 

Everyone has the same password: titans

Username for most students: last name followed by first initial (for example: bartv)

Choose List 1 or List 2

Everyone must play these games first before choosing other games:
  1. Audio Word Match
  2. Missing Letter
  3. Word Unscramble
  4. Which Word Sentences
Exceptions to Usernames

Turnaround Facts - Near Doubles - Changing Addition Order

Must Include
1. Your Name
2. A white background (no color/paint can)
3. Choose 1 animal sticker for your equation

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Finish Your Animal Drawing

Today, everyone will finish their Pixie drawing of their animal.  You must include the following in your drawing:
  1. Type your name
  2. Type the name of your animal
  3. Draw the HABITAT of your animal (it could be the ocean, trees, mountains, grass, a river, snow, sand, etc.)
  4. You may use only 1 sticker in your drawing
When you are finished, you must practice reading your Fun Fact out load.  Everyone will get to use the microphone to record the fun fact about their animal.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Animal Habitat Research Project

Today, everyone will click on the link below to begin your research project.  These are the steps to follow:
1. Choose an animal to research - no dinosaurs (everyone must choose a different animal).
2. Fill out the form that I hand out to you.  You will be able to answer these questions by reading about your animal on the National Geographic website.
3. When you have finished filling out your form, please open Pixie.  Draw a picture of the animal you have chosen which should include the scenery and background of the animal's habitat.

Next week, everyone will have a chance to make a recording of the fun fact about their animal.  We will convert your recorded voice to a QR code and insert it on your Pixie drawing.  Have fun!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


During the first half of Technology class today, everyone will login to Raz-Kids and practice reading. Your Teacher Username is: hts2nd
Don't forget to:
1. Listen to the book
2. Read the book
3. Take the quiz
After 20 minutes, if you are ready to work on something different, you may try these two options:

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Powerpoint - Acrostic Poems

Today, everyone will create an acrostic poem using PowerPoint.  We will use the word SUN and come up with descriptive words that begin with S, U and N.  We will learn how to:
  • Insert a text box
  • Change the font size
  • Change the font color
  • Insert clip art

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Study for Weekly Spelling Test

Today, everyone will login to Spelling City with their own user name and password.

Everyone has the same password: titans

Username for most students: last name followed by first initial (bartv)

Everyone must play these games first before choosing other games:
  1. Audio Word Match
  2. Missing Letter
  3. Word Unscramble
  4. Which Word Sentences
Exceptions to Usernames

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Watch the Brainpop, Jr. video about Internet Safety:

Take both the easy quiz and the hard quiz together as a class.

Sight Word Bingo